The spring equinox is nearly here and I couldn't be more pleased! Already I am physically sore from my doings in the garden during the recently lovely afternoons. Forsythia, daffodil, hyacinth and cherry and Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom while Red Bud and Dogwood swell with impending brilliance and lawns are returning to their vibrant green hue. I LOVE SPRING!
Brenna 1990-2001 & Mac 1994-2008 |
I've received my text books for companion animal acupressure and I'm deeply intrigued and fascinated as I delve into my reading. I won't be enrolling till summer but couldn't resist beginning with what is readily available. The dogs have been sweet and willing participants as I trace meridian lines and gently get acquainted with acupoints ~ I dare say they LOVE the experience! It delights me no end that as I become familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the flow of Chi through the body, my way of doing & seeing TTouch has changed dramatically in accordance with TCM and how wonderful it is to see our companion animals with ever increasing vision and depth. I think the dogs like it, too.
TTouch session 5, which will be my next-to-last training for full certification, begins a week from Saturday ~ March 24th! I'm very much looking forward to the experience and the people, many of whom I consider good friends. Jazz & Nestle will accompany me, as usual.