So, what IS it?
Tellington Touch, or TTouch (prounounced "Tee Touch") is named for its founder, Linda Tellington-Jones who gravitated towards the gradual development of this modality from her Feldenkrais studies and many years use in the equestrian field (TTEAM; Tellington TTouch Equine Awareness Method) before TTouch entered mainstream life in the early 1980's with an article published in an equestrian magazine. Years later TTouch for companion animals arose, and then for heath care.
In a nutshell, TTouch is a combination of 4 modalties:
A) Bodywork - gentle circular movements done with the fingers & hands over the body.
B) Wraps and other tools - to create physical awareness to specific areas of the body.
C) Ground work - simple exercises to enhance balance, physical awareness, create confidence, open neural pathways for learning.
D) The philosophy. Look at it this way, you never ever see a 1100 pound horse being yanked around by a pinch or choke collar. Our dogs don't need those devices either. It's about balance. If a dog is in balance, comfortable in his own body, and has been shown properly how to be in their human world, they're a calmer, happier pet.
Circular TTouches do: these light circles activate & awaken cellular function, a sort of "turning on the electric lights" of the body. These TTouches work like a neurological light switch that can succeed in speeding the healing of injuries or ailments or aiding in resolving behavioral issues or undesired habits.
The training method is a specialized approach emphasizing cooperation and mutual respect in a positive manner. Performance and health can be improved while presenting solutions to behavior and health issues. An underlining and predominant effect of TTouch is the resulting deeper rapport between human and animal through increased understanding and inter-species communication.
TTouch is not species specific. Though most practitioners may have more experience with a particular species than another, any creature can benefit from TTouch (dog, cat, horse, cow, pig, bird, hamster, snake, etc.).
Deep into the Well
The earliest moments of life begin as a single perfect cell. One cell. This rapidly changes, of course, the growth of the being as cells are created from those before, all related and each perfect in and of itself. Each cell carries out a specific function - with many other like cells - and while in constant communication with all cells through electric vibrations. A body electric governed by a magnificent mind sending and receiving signals constantly.
Through many avenues of possibility, cells can become dim or damaged through physical pain, stress, emotional hurt, tension. With the use of intention and gentle physical signals (TTouch) the cells can be jump started into functioning (finding their perfection) and thus, healing or learning something completely new (a positive behavior instead of a negative one). The possibilities are endless!
The Influence of Energy behind the words
Scientific research has demonstrated to us that plant life shows physical response to human thought and intentions. With this profound connection to our environment, it is reasonable to believe that our animal companions receive similar intentions from our thoughts. However! The perceptive brain does not process negative intentions in a way one might assume. A popular command phrase sends an action very loudly (i.e., "no bark!" or any command with "no" preceding it), the verb is heard (bark!) loud and clear.... the "no", is purely background noise. So, imagine every time a dog is told, "no bark!".... what his conscious and subconscious are hearing is, "Bark!" along with a lot of negative energy for no particular reason (according to the dog). On the flip side, if a human sends positive intentions (verbally and otherwise), "you are a good, quiet dog", the dog will process positive feelings and energy associated with the verb "quiet". It's the challenge of the human to maintain this more calm, centered way of being that sends much clearer, kinder messages to our companions that are received and carried out more openly.

A companion animals' destiny is to live in harmony with us.....not fear of us.
Knowing what TTouch is helps understand what it can do. Alternative medicine is complementary to physical issues, but it should never be considered an alternative cure all. As defined by the AMA (American Medical Association), both TTouch and Energy Medicine do have the clinical studies backing up the practice. Personal experience attests to the effects of both, individually as well as in combination.
So, how can it help a dog?
Fearful, stressed, nervous, frightened, reactive dogs learn to be more confident, relaxed and emotionally well balanced. Behavior problems such as biting, chewing, barking, leash pulling and fears can be significantly alleviated. TTouch is very helpful in recovering from surgery or injury and in reducing pain from age related issues such as arthritis.
The ground work ("playground of higher learning") offers physical improvement in range of motion, agility and an increase in neural connections (this increases learning capacity).
How does TTouch do these things?
Chewing for example. TTouch work around the mouth, gums, teeth, lips, face, head, ears and down and about the body are sure to reveal areas that need attention to the practitioner who can then guide the owner in what TTouches applied and to where on the body works to address the chewing and provide relief. Suggestions for health care might be presented as well (gum or tooth inflammation, etc.).
To understand TTouch is to understand the energy in living things. We're electric. Everything is electric. The chemical reaction comes from the electrical charge. Electromagnetic changes in the earth and sun affect all things.
TTouch works with the electrical field of the body (both administrator and receiver). Areas within the patient that test weak are focused on and given gentle surges (the key to the little circles) which create action throughout the body, an awareness on a level that is not conscious. Cells know their function. They know their blueprint. Through "lighting them up", damaged cells can heal and they can function.... perfectly.
TTouch deepens the bond between you and your animal. From a memorable friend to a top level athlete, the bond breathes in a new level of connection and mutual enjoyment.
Laugh, Play, Love
Fearful, stressed, nervous, frightened, reactive dogs learn to be more confident, relaxed and emotionally well balanced. Behavior problems such as biting, chewing, barking, leash pulling and fears can be significantly alleviated. TTouch is very helpful in recovering from surgery or injury and in reducing pain from age related issues such as arthritis.
The ground work ("playground of higher learning") offers physical improvement in range of motion, agility and an increase in neural connections (this increases learning capacity).
How does TTouch do these things?
Chewing for example. TTouch work around the mouth, gums, teeth, lips, face, head, ears and down and about the body are sure to reveal areas that need attention to the practitioner who can then guide the owner in what TTouches applied and to where on the body works to address the chewing and provide relief. Suggestions for health care might be presented as well (gum or tooth inflammation, etc.).
To understand TTouch is to understand the energy in living things. We're electric. Everything is electric. The chemical reaction comes from the electrical charge. Electromagnetic changes in the earth and sun affect all things.
TTouch works with the electrical field of the body (both administrator and receiver). Areas within the patient that test weak are focused on and given gentle surges (the key to the little circles) which create action throughout the body, an awareness on a level that is not conscious. Cells know their function. They know their blueprint. Through "lighting them up", damaged cells can heal and they can function.... perfectly.

Laugh, Play, Love