Finding him relaxed and receptive, it was a good time for some energy TTouch work; since he's half way to being relaxed to begin with.

This session lasted all of 20 minutes or so. Since then, Elvis has been enjoying deep, restful sleep. He has been calm and centered, his edginess and jangled energy are gone. He seemed unsettled before, he would pester each person in turn for attention but unable to stand still to receive it. Now he is as comfortable and content as the other two dogs and slumbers peacefully on his bed.
The next day (1-15-11, 5:30 pm)
I had another opportunity to work with Elvis, this time his left side. He was in a new but inviting area, one more comfortable for me to work on him. This made it strange for him and he was slow to relax. I began with his crown chakra and then he began relaxing well. He laid down very close to me, his toes touching mine, his head on my leg. He now knows what this is about and was a tad bit reluctant at first. Opening chakras is very much the electric surge when riding the long up hill on the roller coaster. The release is amazingly wonderful, though. No sudden drops. (It is for me, anyway). On the working end, when I am the one opening anothers' chakra, I can experience feelings, changes in temperature, pains, visions. It all depends on the patient as well as the chakra. What they experience is unique, and every chakra is unique.
After Elvis relaxed completely his head rested on my leg and his front toes touched mine. He lay very close to me. Warm and calm. I worked from his crown chakra to his throat chakra where the energy was confused, congested and tangled. As I worked with his throat chakra the confused energy intensified and he became wiggly. I asked him to hang in there with me as I massaged his chakra into balance. Finally the tangled energy gave way and a warm, steady, aligned and balanced energy flowed in. Elvis cuddled up again, relaxed and released a big breath.
I gently moved down to his solar plexus where I found intense light coupled with great pain in the left side. I worked gently with this as long as we both could stand.
We'll need to finish this before bed. My left side is still aching a tad, and most of all, his chakras need balancing. We're nearly there. It's a lot for him to process.