I love it when the umbrella of my mind opens and new things rush in. Honestly, I have to process for a while afterwards.
Nestle the Dachshund can be quite the character and he is not without his issues in life. Sometimes his umbrella is closed tightly in self preservation. Yesterday our umbrellas opened together and it was pure magic.
Nestle has issues with food. This has been developing over time despite brief remissions from endless creative techniques to quell and quiet this tyrannical behavior. I'm the one who carries out the feeding ceremony faithfully every day so it's a bit difficult to arrange TTouches when I'm scooping and preparing kibble. But, life found a way (Thank you, Dr. Grant; "Jurassic Park").
I came home with a new bag of dog food and plunked it down beside the storage bin where I would transfer it after attending other more pressing matters. When I came back there stood Elvis (the huge) checking out the wonderful smells of the food bag while Nestle stood perched on his hind legs (front paws on the bag) growling to claim this great find as HIS alone.
Pffft! Was my response in a light-hearted manner. The only way to get over a pissy kibble party was to go ahead and have a kibble party! After depositing the kibble in its storage container, I grabbed up a handful and sat down amongst the dogs and we proceeded to have ourselves a little "kibble party", everyone got a piece of kibble in turn. Nestle began this adventure from the back of his crate, nervous, growly and unsure but watched with great interest as Jazz (his mentor of the canine kind) and Elvis peacefully enjoyed kibble together. His resistance resolved quickly and soon Nestle was with us.
That night the misery that is feeding time was much reduced with a drastic reduction in growling and carrying on. It still occurs, but with repeated "kibble parties" the calm with feeding time continues to blossom and increase.
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