Dorrie taught me a lot from our second session and my own Nestle confirmed my intuition. Dorrie has quite the separation anxiety issue, our chief area of focus to help her be more confident and comfortable.
During my Ttouch time with her, her human went outside to entertain "Cash", the other dog. Dorrie was so caught up in the separation issue that it took a long time for her to begin to relax (but she did realize that relaxing was okay!). I found myself feeling rather concerned about this and have felt less than successful with the session. ..... Nestle (my own dog of diminutive size) has his own separation issues which have been somewhat satiated with Ttouch. Then, it became clear to me. It's okay for the human of focus to be part of the Ttouch for reducing stress and separation! Dorrie's human should be with her. Dorrie's human can help her reduce her stress.
Thank you, Nestle. We'll do that in our next session.
I was pleased to hear from Dorrie's person that during a thunderstorm (after the second session) she asked her person for reassurance and did experience noticeable relief. Dorrie's learning to self-calm is a very good sign.
Elvis, my hound of substantial size tends to walk on lead with a focus all his own... which can lead to lunges and discomfort for the human walking him. Having had two sessions with the confidence course has had positive effect.
Elvis was uncomfortable late last night, so I chose to take him for a walk. I don't have a step-in harness his size, except for the one in my "kit". Not wanting to use that, I took a narrow lead and made a surcingle (a strap around his chest) to accompany his buckle collar lead. This made a sort of balance-lead for walking him and gave me two points of contact. He walked beautifully. He walked with me better than he ever had previously. Ever. Only my competition dog from years ago walked on-lead better.
Check out the video on You Tube explaining TTouch. I met dear Marsha last June up in Maryland at the one-day workshop with Linda Tellington-Jones. Nifty lady!
This weekend is the area "Smoky Mountain Cluster", a 4 day AKC show event in downtown Knoxville. I'll arrange to have a booth there next year. Excitement!

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