Feb 3, 2012

We had a little walk

Nestle was blessed as the "special needs" child during his brief time as a foster child.  It was a stressful time for him, being neutered, relocating two times, life was rough right then.  He was clingy.  He's always been just a little bit reactive.  Little wonder.   So, he's my special needs kid.

To be a dog who goes everywhere with me, that's not saying a whole lot.  I go to work.  Everywhere else is a 'car ride' for Nestle and he gets to guard the car.  So, going for a walk the other day was sort of a big deal.  Because there are more loose animals in my neighborhood then there are fences, I prepared Nestle for his challenges.   I decided to take advantage of his size and stated that, "if it got to be too much for him I can just pick him up."  ... Oh, I felt like a cheater going this route, but it turned out well.

Nestle sported his step-in harness, buckle collar and double-end lead clipped to the harness's side rings for a 'little-guy' balance lead.  I get two points of contact and no tangling lead on little legs.  I tucked a wrap in my pocket and Jazzie's new "calming cap" which is in prototype and doesn't fit her so well, so  Nestle's noggin' will be more agreeable if I get to try it.  .... More later on the calming cap.

So, off we went, Nestle my hubby and I.  When we got within range of loose dogs Nestle knew it and halted, so I took the opportunity to put the wrap on him.  Once he had some TTouches he remembered he could still walk and off he went with quickly increasing confidence.  Then came a dog.  Nestle actually ASKED to be picked up.  I complied and held tight to his harness.....then realized the reason I was doing so is that he historically goes absolutely ape-shit in this circumstance.  So, I breathed and gave Nestle some calming ear TTouches.   Nestle was so calm, and relaxed.  I was amazed and impressed!  Once we got beyond dog #2, who was following us,  Nestle was put down and he walked along nicely with no reactivity to the following dog at all.  Again, this is rather amazing!  Once dog #2 gave up and left, Nestle let me know that wrap time was over.  I removed it and we finished the walk without its use again.  He did get carried past dog #1 &2 on the way back, but wrap free.  Not once did Nestle go nutty with reactivity, barking, lunging, stress, craziness.  He kept it together and had a good time!  No calming cap necessary.

Crocus blooming in the yard today:  February 3rd

What about this calming cap?  If you've been a client I may have done a head wrap on your dog, or something similar.  If not, well, it's like a head wrap! ((wink))  Which is an ace bandage wrapped artfully about the head to bring about calming, engage thinking, aid with certain disorders and a variety of other interesting applications.  A "calming" cap achieves the same effect with an easier/quicker application than the wrap.  Jazz gets so upset in the car when it's raining (scary extra road/rain related noises) that a cap will allow me to include her head (she already wears a body wrap in the car when it's raining) next time without trying to get her head all wrapped up from the front seat of a car.  I'll let you know... and I'll take pictures!

I made the Calming cap that I have.  It seemed fairly quick and easy but I'm going to need some practice to develop a generalized pattern.  If you would like to give your dog a try with a calming cap, come by and we'll come up with some measurements and I'll give it a try.   

News on Thundershirts!  So, I first heard of these while at a training and got Nestle & Jazz a shirt not long after.   The first few storms that came through, the Thundershirts were like a welcome life vest in rough seas.  Both dogs were clearly grateful and comforted, though still visibly stressed.  A small but positive step.

A few storms later and the Thundershirts were like a welcome shelter in a rough storm.  Both dogs were clearly relaxed and stress was greatly reduced.  No shaking nor panting.  Huge change.

Now it's many months later and Nestle doesn't usually wear his Thundershirt during a storm.  He doesn't need it.  Jazz wears hers and is obviously more at ease with the added support.  This may reduce when her rainy car rides are no longer upsetting  (her Thundershirt lives in the car).

Both dogs wear their "jersey's" when they go to the vet. 

Other newsy news stuff 

I'm so pleased to say that I've seen some wonderful clients lately and watching them blossom and find happiness strengthens and lovingly reminds me of why I do this work.   Sometimes the work feels so subtle, but the reward is hard to miss.  

This weekend is the TVKC's agility trial in Harriman, TN.  I'm planning on making tracks to the event on Saturday (tomorrow!) to enjoy the dogs and make a friend or two.  

I'm contemplating companion animal acupressure as a complementary field to TTouch!  That leads to a lot of training and study as I'd want to do both canine and equine as I plan with TTouch.  Exciting thought!  The curriculum I find quite exciting and interesting, no needles are involved and it offers amazing relief, improved balance and performance.  Exciting.  I can see diving into this by midsummer.  To my utter amazement and some disbelief, there are no registered acupressure practitioners in Tennessee.  

TTouch trainings on tap for this year, all things being well ~ session 5 in late March with Edie Jane and session 6 (graduation/certification) in June with Linda Tellington-Jones.    I'm in need of a few more case studies, if you'd like your dog to be one, email me.

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