Apr 27, 2012

The Lyme Disease Trip ~ Part 2

My test results came back negative but this is no surprise to me and I'll tell you why.  

Lyme Disease is a tiny bacterium that invades the body fully and causes havoc as well as great pain for the human.  The bacterium are too small to be detected in a typical blood test ~ but the body's natural antibodies against the bacterium CAN be detected in a routine blood test.  SO, if the person has had Lyme Disease for a long period of time there will be plenty of antibodies running around.  IF the person caught the disease recently (as I did), there are not enough antibodies present in the blood to be detected, so a 'negative' blood test can result and be rather deceiving.    .... Since my test was negative, that says that I have not been living with this disease for a long period of time (Yay!) and that the treatment should be effective (Yay!  Again). 

What is the typical treatment for Lyme Disease?  Massive doses of antibiotic for a long period of time.   Up until this time, the most potent antibiotic I've had was about 20mg doses over a 5 day period for a sinus infection.  That seemed pretty potent.   The antibiotics for Lyme is 100mg doses over a 20 day period.   Twenty days.   Nothing foreign within my body will survive this onslaught.   Dairy must be avoided within a 4 hour window around each and every dose, twice a day.  That's half my day 'dairy free'.   Why?  Dairy binds with the antibiotic and reduces its effectiveness.    Sun exposure is to be avoided as well as this antibiotic thins the skin and increases sensitivity.... so, either stay inside or lather on the sunscreen, don a hat and covering clothing.   So I stay inside and drink a lot of water.   LOL

The first 3 days of treatment were the worst and even then it wasn't too bad.  The disease itself is far worse, symptomatically.   With the antibiotic I just feel tired and as the days progress my stomach gets more edgy and unhappy ~ no doubt the declining number of bacteria in my gut.   Yogurt cups are carefully timed and consumed each and every day!  .... Sure, it's a pain with all the discomfort and inconvenience, but I will say that the disease is SO much worse that 20 days of chemical crap is a small price to pay.

I hope this little jaunt into what Lyme Disease is and how it feels will be helpful to someone.  I hope MORE that you'll join me in taking every precaution in avoiding getting bitten in the first place ~ and knowing the signs if you do.

Speaking of pooches ~  Dogs get Lyme Disease too!  
According to all I've read, dogs do not show the tell-tale rash like we do (plus they have all that body hair to hide it, even if they DID!).   So, what's an owner to do?  Watch for the signs:  8 to 12 days after infection the biggest sign is extreme tiredness and maybe reduced appetite.   Lyme Disease can be fatal to dogs.   The best advice is to faithfully use monthly preventative. 

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