Behaviorally, Jazz has ceased barking at passing boats, birds and cars. She acknowledges passing cars with nothing more than a brief glance , where she had been an avid chaser. Fishing boats coasting by our dock are still fair game, and that I find quite reasonable, but the large cruiser way out in the channel is now free to pass in the world according to Jazz. Birds flying by used to cause quite a fury of barking .... that I don't miss. Barking at clients or delivery personnel entering our little store is an increasing thing of the past. Fears are greatly reduced, confidence is much increased.
Physically Jazz shows improvement in her range of motion and balanced use of both back legs. Jazz's right hip suffers from genetic degeneration. Symptoms cropped up at 18 months of age and were severe enough to warrant surgery. Adequan injections improved mobility so dramatically that a full hip replacement was postponed indefinitely. She would still carry her leg down stairs and would play cautiously. She also slept crooked. ..... You're probably expecting me to say that all those symptoms are gone, just like the excessive barking and car chasing. That now she runs, bolts & jumps again with reckless abandon, soars down stairs with no favoring of her hip, and she now sleeps with relaxed, straighter legs.

(As soon as I have a picture of her new sleeping position, I'll post it)
Peace, love & Light,