Jun 7, 2011

Animal Totems

I took a journey recently. A visual journey in a light meditative state to a magical location and animals spoke to me. Well, only a couple actually spoke. As crazy as it sounds, it was a very powerful journey.

On this journey I had close, personal encounters with a Leopard, a deer, a fox and an Indigo Bunting, a species of bird that is brilliantly blue. Why these particular animals? Folks would peg me with dogs, horses, and maybe a butterfly or two . Leopard, fox, deer and one species of bird? My daughter chimed out, they're your animal totems!

What is an animal totem? If I understand correctly, animals we have a kinship with help to teach us things about ourselves such as patience, endurance, quiet, etc., things we may not be as conscious of as we should be. ….But animals I've always been drawn to were not the ones who drew themselves to me on this journey. Or were they? I've always felt great fondness and appreciation for these animals.... I suppose my attraction to them wasn't as conscious as the draw to horses and dogs. It has been on a much more subconscious level, much as the self-consciousness of the qualities they remind me of.

Here are my animal totems in alphabetical order as quoted from StarStuffs.com:

Thank you to www.starstuffs.com!

Bunting (bird)

Colorful Buntings may mean adding color and vitality to one's life. Blue/Indigo Buntings is significant of good, truth and love with spiritual origins.

If you know me, you know I'm rather colorful. I'm not the run-of-the-mill human....that would be dull. Good, truth and love.... things I aspire to achieve with every breath I take.


Power of gentleness, love, alertness, camouflage, balance and alertness, attention to subtler outside influences, ability to listen, attention, shows how to walk gracefully and carefully, connections to children and people for best interests of all, vision, hearing, smell, helps discern what actions to be done. Teaches empathy for others, soft direction and leadership abilities. Are you awakening to your own innocence? Are you listening to your inner child? Deer walks softly and gracefully. Are you ready for new opportunities that will reflect this gentle love to others?

Kinda sounds like a Ttouch home run, doesn't it?


Skilled and ingenious, cunning, a new world and creative process opening up, look in between yourself and others (physically, mentally, spiritually), teaches gentleness, swiftness and persistence, courage, power of observation, good eating habits and taking care of health concerns, shift awareness to feminine energies for balance. Fox can teach you how to walk in both worlds and in between since he is the master of camouflage and shape-shifting and walking the spaces in between. Are you in harmony with your surroundings? Blending in with others? It is a time to be careful and discriminating, aware of your communication abilities, and to be alert to your surroundings. Fox teaches how to be still and silent and all the qualities of patience.

This is interesting, it sounds like yet another Ttouch home run.

Um, I haven't had any sugar since this visual journey took place. And I hadn't noticed till just now. I did however just finish eating a plate of raw vegetables. I can't recall the last time I did that.


Silent, inconspicuous, strong intuitive abilities (inner instincts), overcoming haunts of the past, renewal of vision, helps in strength of inner demons, leaps about to be made spiritually, mentally and physically. Aids in overall sensitivities, communication abilities and movement in dream world and the unconscious realms. Are you listening carefully of the world within and around you? Leopard teaches the nuance of hearing your heart and intuitions and when and how to react.

Ttouch is speaking to me. I get it. This animal I tried to make anything else to no avail. Silent, yet insistent and rather powerful.

I've thought about sharing the details of my journey with you, but I have since decided that keeping it unto myself is part of the power... the magic. I've shared pieces and that's enough.

Since having taken the journey it's like I've reconnected with myself. My whole self. I smile all the time and apparently I really dig vegetables and no longer eat sweets!

How interesting.

Heart Hugs till next time.

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