There's no getting around the fact that we're all leaving this journey the same way. Linda & I share the personal belief that our animals are in our lives for a reason. They have come to be with us for a purpose and to teach us something.... and vice versa.... if you ask me. Because they are with us for such a short period of our own lives, they give us the opportunity to embrace and find peace with crossing the rainbow bridge... or, "a change of address" as the Hawaiians put it.
There are so many accounts of TTouch having played an important part in the end of an animals' life. For some, when the end comes it is a painful or terrifying experience... for whatever reason. It is then that we can offer TTouch in creating calm or releasing pain/tension so that the dieing process can proceed in a positive way.

What a gift to leave a life in peace rather than pain and or fear!
This is a heartfelt entry. I think back to the animals I helped leave this life who were frightened or in pain and it brings tears to my eyes knowing (now) that I could have made it so much better for them. But animals do forgive in life and beyond. So, I go forward knowing TTouch can make such a difference during this end stage of being.
Linda recently posted an entry on her blog that shares an end of life story that is worth the time to read: http://tellingtonttouch.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/raffis-goodbye-ttouch-and-palliative-care/
Colic, if you're not familiar, is a twisting of the intestines (to put it in few words) and is (I would imagine!) terribly painful. For TTouch to be able to relieve such acute discomfort is really quite interesting and remarkable.
I recall another case in which the horse had terrible colic and the vet held no hope for a positive outcome. The handler continued with TTouches for quite some time hoping only bring calm and comfort to the horse in what appeared to be the his/her final hours. Surprisingly, the horse eventually produced a large bowel movement and recovered.
For long-term sufferers, regular TTouches can bring welcome relief which would not only lower their own stress level but also the stress in everyone caring for him/her.
In closing - our animals give us so very much of themselves throughout their lives. It is a real gift to be there for them in their final moments, however long those final moments are. It's not easy to be there for them as they depart, but it is part of an amazing journey and a chapter that can be cherished rather than stressed and painful.
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